2003-11-13 14:46:25 UTC
I have created multiple controls all with the same problem but here is
the short of it.
Custom controls with custom properties. Exposed via the normal
property get and let statements.
If I put the control on a web page via the object tag it is fine.
However if I add a custom property via a param tag then it disappears.
I have found that if I set the _ExtentsX and _ExtentsY then it shows
up again but it still appears to completely ignore my property
setting. I have tried license files, lpk files with appropriate
object tags. Anyone?
Here is the page in a scaled down version.
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:5220CB21-C88D-11cf-B347-00AA00A28331">
<PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="mylicense.lpk">
<OBJECT ID="SetProps1" NAME="SetProps1" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="8467">
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="6350">
<PARAM NAME="theText" VALUE="6350">
the short of it.
Custom controls with custom properties. Exposed via the normal
property get and let statements.
If I put the control on a web page via the object tag it is fine.
However if I add a custom property via a param tag then it disappears.
I have found that if I set the _ExtentsX and _ExtentsY then it shows
up again but it still appears to completely ignore my property
setting. I have tried license files, lpk files with appropriate
object tags. Anyone?
Here is the page in a scaled down version.
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:5220CB21-C88D-11cf-B347-00AA00A28331">
<PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="mylicense.lpk">
<OBJECT ID="SetProps1" NAME="SetProps1" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="8467">
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="6350">
<PARAM NAME="theText" VALUE="6350">