The favorite and history panel is not included in the document object model
which means the DHTML has no corresponding method to close them. We can use
the WebBroswer control to control the IE. However, from the OLECMDID
argument of IWebBrowser2::ExecWB Method, no any command can be used to
close the panel.
IWebBrowser2::ExecWB Method
So I have two suggestions for you:
1. host web browser in your own applicatoin so that you can fully control
the IE browser. One sample is introduced from kb.
326217 INFO: WebOCHostCSharp.exe Hosts the WebBrowser Control in C# .NET
2. pop up one new window so that the panel will not appear.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any further question.
Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU
Microsoft Product Support Services
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