David Thielen
2005-09-21 03:17:04 UTC
The backend of this problem is in java but the problem is in the Internet
Explorer browser end (I think):
I am trying to track cookie across two of my domains. So when a user comes
to www.windwardreports.com I not only create a cookie for that domain, but I
also want to create the same cookie on windward.net.
So I created a servlet named track and in www.windwardreports.com/index.html
I placed <img src=’
Loading Image...
(I do this
using a javascript that does a document.write() as the sourceid value is
unique for each contact.)
And in the servlet, my code is (image read removed):
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
Cookie [] cookies = request.getCookies();
// get the parameters
for (Iterator it=request.getParameterMap().entrySet().iterator();
it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
String key = ((String) entry.getKey()).trim();
if (key.length() == 0)
String [] values = (String[]) entry.getValue();
// create a cookie
Cookie ck = new Cookie(key, values[0].trim());
ck.setDomain(“.windward.net”); // tried with and without this line
ck.setMaxAge(24 * 60 * 60 * 365 * 5);
log.info("Added cookie: " + key + "=" + values[0]);
// return a 1x1 image – it’s in data[]
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
But it’s not working as I expect. Two problems (tested from 3 computers):
Problem 1: When I go to www.windward.net (I have it there for testing) it
puts the cookies I set directly in ***@windward[1].txt. But it puts the
cookies from the tracking servlet in ***@track[1].txt
The contents of ***@track[1].txt is:
But this cookie is not passed back to subsequent calls to www.windward.net.
Question: How do I get it to put these cookie values in ***@windward[1].txt
instead of ***@track[1].txt.
Problem 2: When I go to www.windwardreports.com, nothing is stored unless I
go in I.E. to Tools, Internet Options, Privacy, Advanced, and check Override
automatic cookie handling.
If I do set that, then I have the same issue as problem 1 – it goes in
***@track[1].txt instead of ***@windward[1].txt.
Question: How do I get it to set these cookie values from a different domain
under standard IE settings?
The backend of this problem is in java but the problem is in the Internet
Explorer browser end (I think):
I am trying to track cookie across two of my domains. So when a user comes
to www.windwardreports.com I not only create a cookie for that domain, but I
also want to create the same cookie on windward.net.
So I created a servlet named track and in www.windwardreports.com/index.html
I placed <img src=’
Loading Image...
using a javascript that does a document.write() as the sourceid value is
unique for each contact.)
And in the servlet, my code is (image read removed):
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
Cookie [] cookies = request.getCookies();
// get the parameters
for (Iterator it=request.getParameterMap().entrySet().iterator();
it.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
String key = ((String) entry.getKey()).trim();
if (key.length() == 0)
String [] values = (String[]) entry.getValue();
// create a cookie
Cookie ck = new Cookie(key, values[0].trim());
ck.setDomain(“.windward.net”); // tried with and without this line
ck.setMaxAge(24 * 60 * 60 * 365 * 5);
log.info("Added cookie: " + key + "=" + values[0]);
// return a 1x1 image – it’s in data[]
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
But it’s not working as I expect. Two problems (tested from 3 computers):
Problem 1: When I go to www.windward.net (I have it there for testing) it
puts the cookies I set directly in ***@windward[1].txt. But it puts the
cookies from the tracking servlet in ***@track[1].txt
The contents of ***@track[1].txt is:
But this cookie is not passed back to subsequent calls to www.windward.net.
Question: How do I get it to put these cookie values in ***@windward[1].txt
instead of ***@track[1].txt.
Problem 2: When I go to www.windwardreports.com, nothing is stored unless I
go in I.E. to Tools, Internet Options, Privacy, Advanced, and check Override
automatic cookie handling.
If I do set that, then I have the same issue as problem 1 – it goes in
***@track[1].txt instead of ***@windward[1].txt.
Question: How do I get it to set these cookie values from a different domain
under standard IE settings?
thanks - dave
thanks - dave